Sunday, April 29, 2007


Back in the states brought a visit to Dodger stadium. It's such a beautiful game. Really. And so many changes. Limitless changes that you can't predict standing there at the plate. You've tried to read the signs. You thought about the probabilities. You've even done your research, found out what this or that guy throws when he's down, or when you think you've got him tired. And then it whizzes past you in a whole new way. Or it curves, drops, or even rises.
Back in the states brought a visit to an optometrist, specialist, imaging center, neurosurgeron. Epidermoid brain tumor. Then came hospital socks, waiting, beds that move, anger, aggression and fear. So many new things.
And a new start to an old blog. The BCN Week days of this blog are over. BCN Week continues going strong, and I hope to be going strong with it. But tomorrow it's back to the plate at Harbor-UCLA County Hospital and an unimaginable surgery.
See you on the flipside?
Peep my twitter dudes...